Cheapest New York Deals

The cheapest New York deals can be found on this page. These prices are not only offered short term; cheap flights to New York and hotel rooms can also be booked a few months in advance at discount prices. On this page, you’ll find my personal, hand-picked options. You can now book a super cheap trip to New York!

New York deals

Below are several current deals for New York, these are updated daily. These are my personal selected options for cheap accommodation in New York.

Eric’s Tip: All the deals you’ll find on this page are hotels I know or stayed at. Therefore I know they offer good quality and are worth booking. The hotels that I’ve selected are free to cancel; this minimises the risk of booking.

Cheap Hotels in New York

I have distinguished between a cheap hotel and a top-class hotel in New York. Below you’ll find my personal selection of budget hotels that are affordable to book. These are not always the cheapest hotels in New York for these dates. However, they do have a very favourable rate and are still good choices when taking location and quality into account.

Dates Hotel Price Extras
May 19 - May 24 Book the Pod 51 here $ 1259
Jun 16 - Jun 21 Book the Pod Times Square here $ 1103
Jul 14 - Jul 19 Book the Hotel Beacon here $ 1211


High Class Hotels in New York

The hotels below are more expensive than the cheap hotels. However, they are notable for their great savings compared to the regular rates in these periods. In short: a high class hotel in New York for a relatively low price. I also select these hotels myself daily based on current prices. Check out the table below to see which high class New York hotels you can book now!

Dates Hotel Price Extras
May 19 - May 24 Book the Royalton Park Avenue here $ 2432
Jun 16 - Jun 21 Book the Ludlow Hotel here $ 2344
Jul 21 - Jul 26 Book the Collective Governors Island here $ 2050


Definition of symbols:

  • = Free cancellation
  • = I have stayed at this hotel myself for a minimum of three nights
  • = You save a minimum of 30% compared to the regular tariff in this period

Cheap Flights to New York

When planning a trip to New York, finding a cheap flight is always preferable. The general rule is: the earlier you book, the better the deals. However, especially, if you can be flexible with your dates, you might be lucky and save money on flights. Check a day earlier or later, and the prices could be even lower! Click here for flights to New York.

All prices are checked and updated daily. Websites linked to have dynamic pricing, so prices may change.

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